A Needed Distraction #sol20

I am participating in the Slice of Life March Challenge with my fellow slicers at Two Writing Teachers.  This is day 27.  I’m getting a little anxious about the end of this month of sharing together our experiences.  In the last week,  I try to focus on other slices as mentors, here is my slice in response to Aggie Kesler’s Keeping Busy because I definitely needed a distraction yesterday.  (shout to Darin’s hashtags as well)

IMG_6038A Needed Distraction #sol20

March 27, 2020

Like all of us, I have been spending much more time that usual sitting in front of a screen.  The result of which is a lethal combination of anxiousness, fatigue, and neck ache.


Aggie’s advice to clean my refrigerator had been rattling around inside my head for a few days, so after my morning meeting yesterday, I decided to take a break in an effort to prepare myself to go to the grocery store and clean the refrigerator and the pantry.


IMG_6036So… I began cleaning   eating my way through the frig.  First I found a nearly empty bag of bagels, some cream cheese and a dab of jelly.  Sounds like a terrific breakfast.  I pause to toast a bagel as I contemplate which shelf to begin with.  Let’s start in the door. How did coffee grounds and rubber bands get into the egg holder? Ahh,  whole foods’ bands, but coffee?  Why are there 10 packages of yeast?  Cosmic message to bake break, perhaps?


I move on to the butter “dish”,.  Why do I have so many packages of cream cheese? I begin to make a list of ‘interesting’ ingredients.  Perhaps I can google search ingredients and find recipes.  I am determined to use as much as I can and limited going to the grocery store. (see # above). I put butter on my grocery list.  Always need butter. 


What next?  Do I still feel hungry? There is one slice of cinnamon bread in this bag.  I’ll just finish that off by toasting it with the bagel.  So now, a bagel in the toaster and I just eat the piece of cinnamon bread.  Save the twist tie in the drawer and the plastic bag to the bag of bags. Cleaning by eating.  It’s a thing…


Finish up the door in a jiffy.  Only five kinds of salad dressing.  Looking good.  I move on to the shelves. Why are there SOOO many yogurts in here?  Get the yogurts organized by flavors.  Mine v. Mr. K’s.   Questions arise.  Artichoke hearts?  Two jars of pickles?  Key Lime Juice?  A pie crust?   It wasn’t too scary.  Looking good.


I move on to the freezer.  Did you know I have a secret stash of Maine blueberries?


IMG_6037The pantry is a testament to neglect.  Two jars of mayo, three bottles of Balsamic Vinegar.  Do I not ever check before I go to the grocery store?


In the end, Aggie was totally correct.  My head was cleared.  I felt a tremendous sense of accomplishment.  I made some cooking plans.  For a couple of hours, no worries.


9 thoughts on “A Needed Distraction #sol20

  1. I feel as if I went on a culinary tour! Loved the intermittent hashtags. This was a whimsical look at a chore many of us are finally finding time to do. I loved all the tangents you ended up going on…and I sure wish I had a bagel in the house.

  2. Priceless humour and I was belly laughing when I read this: “So… I began cleaning eating my way through the frig. First I found a nearly empty bag of bagels, some cream cheese and a dab of jelly….
    #dontjudge” There are so many crazy things that we do and writing about them is ultimately the source of so much wonderful humour (no spelling mistake – I’m Canadian :). Thank you for a lovely slice of fun!

  3. Is this what they call “clean eating”? If so, count me in! Love how efficient you were… I’m still laughing over here!

  4. I loved your conversational tone as you were cleaning. The hashtags definitely added a bit of humor, too! You have such an assortment of things in your fridge/pantry. I would love to raid it and cook up something, especially with those blueberries! 🙂

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