Yesterday… a History #sol20

I am slicing every day in March along with my fellow writer in our community organized by Two Writing Teachers.  Today I use at Lanny’s suggestion, Brittany Butler’s clever Browser Mystery as a mentor text.

Screenshot 2020-03-26 at 9.04.06 AMYesterday… a History #sol20

March 26, 2020

The idea of tracing back how my mind worked over a course of an evening through my browser history sounded hilarious,  so this morning I thought I would make that trip myself.  First problem,  I was on three different devices yesterday searching, not to mention the random questions I call out to our Google Home.  For example, I asked the Google Assistant how old Chaka Khan was yesterday… she’s 67 in case you were wondering.  This random question brought to you by The Masked Singer.

First thing yesterday,  I looked up the Sourdough Starter recipe from King Arthur.  Since the classroom teacher I was working on the fungus project with retained custody of our starter,  I’ve been trying to get one going here at home using ‘wild yeast’.  It’s not going so well.  I hear our starter at his house is lonely too.

When I read an article about difficulties that restaurants are having now, so I looked up all the local restaurants that I could think of and their take out menus and hours.  Do I dare take-out?  I can barely go to the grocery store.

After beginning to watch Tiger King on Netflix (Yikes!) on the recommendation of older son,  I started wondering about tigers in these crazy home-grown ‘zoos’.  Did you know that there about three times as many tigers in these ‘zoos’ just in the US than are in the wild?!?!  That made me think of Siegfried and Roy.  While they don’t perform anymore, they still have tiger in a Secret Garden in Las Vegas.   This internet search stops here.

These all are just ‘after work’.

Considering what to make for dinner, I checked on a meatloaf recipe, just make sure I was going down the right road.  I ended up putting in whatever I wanted anyway, a recipe is just a suggestions, right?  You know some breadcrumbs, an egg, ketchup, spices, the usual.  Comfort food at its best.  I checked on some spaghetti squash recipes too,  Maybe that will make it onto tomorrow’s menu.

I have about 15 tabs open on my laptop right now related to work, but let’s leave them there for now… or just clear all.



11 thoughts on “Yesterday… a History #sol20

  1. Of course I’m going to drop what I’m doing (nothing) and read this! First off, thanks for the props. I’m super pumped my slice inspired you 🙂

    Second, I love your take and where you took this. I never even thought about our other devises! I mean, I think my laptop is fairly clean but Alexa? Dear lord, I’m verbally abusive to her for garbling up all of my words. When I go, she goes too. Just take a baseball bat and smash her to bits! Back to your version though. I’ve googled the tiger king every time I open Netflix and it’s forced super busy graphics. I’ve yet to watch it and didn’t know that home “zoo” stat. That’s awful. And take-out right now is on the NO list for us. I’m too concerned on the imagined what if a microscopic coronovirus furry ball particle got in anything we’d eat. Online gift certificates are where it’s at for the businesses that we frequent.

    Your slice is fascinating. Loved it!

  2. It is interesting to see how the mind works and jumps from one topic to another. Of course recipes are just suggestions. We all add our own touch to them to make them our own…and better.

  3. What an awesome idea to use other slicers as mentor texts for your last five slices. This is so great for students to see, too. On another note, I’ve heard so much about Tiger King! I’ll have to look into it.

  4. I just added to my search history to find out more about the Tiger King. Great post and recipes are absolutely just suggestions/guidelines, especially for meatloaf! I think mine is different every time.

  5. I concur: A recipe *is* just a suggestion. Your slice was fun to follow and left me wondering what conclusions big data analytics will draw from this particular afternoon in your online life…

  6. This is hysterical! Perfect end to my day! I love how you captured the meandering nature I minds can take on when we have so much at our finger tips via google! And yes, recipes are just suggestions, especially when it comes to meatloaf – which my husband and I love but the girls, not so much! Thanks for the laugh!

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