Powerpuff Girls #sol22 23/31

Powerpuff Girls (Neighbors #1)

March 23, 2022

A few summers ago, my black Lily and I were working on physical therapy for her torn ACL. Up and down our downward sloping driving we went. The vet assured me that this was perfect therapy for her ACL. 100% Lily was our plan. Because of this, I spent a lot of time outside on my driveway. Turns out you can see a lot from that vantage point.

That summer, three girls would tear up and down the streets on their bikes. Their bikes were new and shiny and just a tiny bit too big for them. There was clearly a ‘leader’ who had all the good ideas. The went all the way down the street and turned around at our drive. Sometimes they rode in a line. Sometimes they rode three across. Up and down. Up and down.

Those little bike riders, as we came to call them, sometimes stopped to catch a breath and pet Lily. The littlest one with the littlest bike especially liked to stop and pet Lily. At the time, I wondered if she needed a rest or didn’t want to go so fast or far, but she didn’t say. I didn’t ask. They never did more that smile at me or ask if they could pet the dog. Until one day…

The smallest one approached the drive. The other two were near but let her speak.

It’s probably really fast to go down your driveway, she said.

Yes, I said.

It might be scary on our bikes, she said.

Probably, I said.

(Long pause where she looks at driveway and looks at me, then looks at her friends)

Do you think we could ride our bikes down your drive way? she said.

Oh, I said, you would have to be super careful and turn before you hit the garage door. Do you think you could do that?

(eyes wide) (small nod). I think we can. she says.

Ok, give it a go. I said.

(she confers with the group)

Then the powerpuff girls (as I named them) sailed down the drive and skidded to a halt right in front of the garage door.

(big smiles and high fives ensued)

They walked their bikes up the driveway. As I recall, they tried a few more times.

When I told my husband the story later, still smiling from the triumph, he was appalled that I had let them. They could have been hurt! he said.

But they weren’t. I said.

They never recreated their triumphant stunt…that I know of. I see them every once in a while, still bike riders, but Lily and I aren’t out on the drive and they don’t ask for that first-time, one-time thrill anymore.

But I still think about them and their triumph.

3 thoughts on “Powerpuff Girls #sol22 23/31

  1. Excellent slice — I can totally picture those daredevils! (In hindsight, the biggest risk might’ve been asking for permission to ride the neighbor’s driveway.)

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