A Read Across America Moment #sol23

Thursday was Read Across America Day,  a day designated to promote reading aloud and reading time with students.  While this day originated with Dr. Seuss’ birthday, the NEA has moved away from limiting this day to his writing.  

At our school, the daily announcements proclaimed the day.  With a student, I considered how I might promote some reading around the building.  Tomorrow will be our kick off for our March Book Madness, our sweet sixteen books spread across the school to pick our shared favorite.   I spent yesterday working on those book slides to make these sixteen books more accessible to the students.  

But for today,  I thought I might take some time in the middle of the day and read a book to classes across the school.  I sent out a quick email asking if anyone had time for a read aloud between 10:00 and 12:00.  Many emails poured in.  The first was from a kindergarten I have read to often whose classroom is in close proximity to the literacy center.  I went right over there with an alphabet book.  

Finishing up their snack, the kinders were excited to tell me that they had read aloud The Three Billy Goats Gruff early in the morning.  Oh,  would you like to hear another version of The Three Billy Goats Gruff that the big kids are going to read in their bracket?  

The excitement was palpable.  Wonderful, finish your snack.  I’ll go find the book and come right back.  

When I returned, I came into the room.  I stopped near the rug.  Maybe we should shut the door, so no one will know that we are having this secret sneak peek.  

The excitement bubbled up with giggles as they gathered on their rug.  I took my usual chair.  

Well, this book was put in the third and fourth graders book set because it has a lot of words.  But I know that you are the kind of readers who like a big story.  

Nods all around. 

I hold up the cover of the book, the kindergarteners lean in.  

What do you notice?   Hold your idea.    Now say into your hand.  

The Troll!  

Mrs. Kennedy,  why are there skeletons?   There is a skull there…  

I pause.  For a second I think I’ve picked the wrong book, but I give her and the other listeners a big smile.  Why would that troll have skulls?  Think for a minute…   Now share. 

The ideas pour out, mostly related to the troll eating some people and also making himself scary.  Already strong inferrers, these story-enjoyers are ready for this version of The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  

We enjoy every page of the story, stopping to predict, to laugh at the clever goats, the crazy talk of the goat, and the size of the big goat.  I won’t give it all away here, but I recommend that you look up Mac Barnett and this version of the Billy Goats Gruff.  

The book has a great tagline at the end that made the classroom roar,  always a great ending to storytime.

7 thoughts on “A Read Across America Moment #sol23

  1. So much to love about what you did, but also how you wrote it. Your moment unfolded for readers just as the story did for the students. We let Read Across America Day go, and you make me nostalgic for it.

  2. This seems like a great moment. I really like the part where you have a moment of doubt about the choice, but then just plow forward. I also love the idea of a sweet 16 of books. I’d love to see your list. Do you have them matched up? Are they seeded? Are the parents betting on it? Jusr kidding about that last one.

  3. I could feel the energy in that classroom and hear those kids becoming even stronger little readers through your conversation. I LOVE this version of the 3 Billy Goats and it was so fun to hear how you shared it with kids!

  4. Story-enjoyers, what a great phrase. Vicariously reading about the enjoyment and your role in kindling it was a treat.

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