Carefree… that’s me #sol22

Carefree… that’s me #sol22

No really!!! Completely and utterly carefree…

Ok, not so much.

I have had a ‘one little word’ for nearly a decade. Like clockwork, the first post of the new year, there is my little word to guide me through the next 365… I read a lot of OLW posts that first week. I kicked around even more words. I reviewed my old words. Nothing stuck.

I resigned myself to not have a word this year. It’s ok. You don’t have to keep doing something when it doesn’t work for you anymore. None of that went down smoothly. Still in search. I’m not sure how it happened. I heard someone say something about someone else or I heard them say the opposite about me. Then I said it aloud. I want to be … At first I didn’t even have the word in my vocabulary. You know, happy, easy-going? My friends and colleagues laughed. That’s a funny joke. Yep, that’s you… breezy.

It’s funny to them because it is absolutely, 100% not-me. I arrive to meetings 10 minutes early with 3 different writing implements, a notebook, talking points, and a full cup of coffee. I arrive to work 1 1/2 before school starts to get a jump on things. There isn’t a car in the parking lot except mine. I stay until dinner time. I get up in the morning with a long to-do list in my head. Sometimes I make that to-do list the day before. 100% not carefree.

When the actual word carefree came to mind, I let it bubble out to my co-workers. i want to be carefree. i want folks to see me as carefree. Carefree, that’s me. Again, a chorus of laughter every single time I said it to no matter who heard me say it. I mean, actually, I don’t think i know anyone carefree these days. I know many people more easy-going than me, quicker to smile, fast with the jokes. But truly carefree, I mean, come on, look around. Why do I even want to be carefree?

Why do I want to be carefree? I could quote a whole bunch of ‘don’t worry, be happy’ quotes here, but the truth is… anxious is catchy. Worry, doubt, anxiety, stress, they are rampant everywhere including my little learning community. As a coach, I want to spread something else.

My friend Jess, a few years ago, decided to spread joy. Wow, did she! She is still one of the most joyful people I know and everyone around her is uplifted by that positive outlook. I want a piece of that. I want to be a person whose face naturally falls into a smile. Who the first words out of her mouth are, We’ve got this... and I want to believe them.

So when I tell you I’m striving to be carefree, don’t laugh please. Say, I’m all in.

Carefree… that’s me.

8 thoughts on “Carefree… that’s me #sol22

  1. Okay, I’m in the same boat. No one would ever describe me as carefree. In fact, just the mention of it in your slice made me want to argue about it. I understand the stance, but to actually be free of cares? That sort of goes against your true being, as a person who cares a LOT. A colleague recently recommended that I check out the website of a meditation guru, Sharon Salzberg. (that’s a sign that someone would like me to be more carefree probably). I did, and one of her meditation mantras is “May I be at ease with the world.” I think that’s slightly different from carefree, but then, it’s also not one word. Sorry. What about relaxed? Serene? Chill? I’m not helping. I’ll stop

  2. I have to be honest, I read your title and wondered what was up…I think we’re alike in many ways. Sometimes, I wish I could not care what others thought and not be bogged down worrying about everyone else. I believe in you and when you figure out carefree, send me all your tips and pointers. ❤️

  3. Ack, carefree! Just today I was telling a colleague I might love a job that ended when you walked out the door. I think those of us in education can never really be carefree- too many others to care about…

  4. Pingback: Masked? – Where There's Joy

  5. Pingback: Day 8 of the SOLSC! #SOL22 – TWO WRITING TEACHERS

  6. Carefree is an interesting word in this mixed-up racing to the finish world BUT if you can let it guide you just imagine the possibilities of what each day will bring. Go for it!

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