Tomorrow #sol20

Today I finish my fourth Slice of Life 31 Day Writing Challenge with Two Writing Teachers and an amazing group of writers.  Today is day 31/31.  It is my 286th slice of life.  Every year on the last day,  I think about tomorrow…  



Tomorrow #sol20

March 31, 2020

Tomorrow I will wake up and while there might be words

I won’t rush to get them on the page and out the door.

Tomorrow I will read any number of things but they probably won’t be blogs that spill off the page and into my heart.

Tomorrow stories may fly into my brain and possibly my notebook, but they might not make it out into the world.

Tomorrow,  I won’t hear about Ari and Wren or Isabelle and Ari.

Tomorrow I’ll reflect on a month of writing.

Tomorrow I’ll be thinking about zooming and my writing cohort.

Tomorrow I’ll have coffee and make dinner, but the stories will still percolate.

Tomorrow will seem like a busy day in quarantine to most people

But to some people, a little something extra will be missing.


22 thoughts on “Tomorrow #sol20

  1. What a beautiful post! I love the organizational scaffold – a single word – to start each new line. It has a wonderful echo throughout the reading of the poem (which I read both silently and aloud). A powerful close. Thanks so much – a great way to start my Tuesday and final day of Slice.

  2. I was hesitant to join this year-my first year-because I have never done a challenge like this. I have actually never put any of my writing out there. I am so glad I did!!! Thank you so much for all your comments and work.

    • It was such a pleasure to read your blog. I hope you will continue to join us on Tuesday during the year. You have a voice that should be read by many. I leave you with an Irish blessing. May the blessings of each day be the blessings you need most.

  3. There will definitely be something missing. Your words have brought me a lot of comfort this month. You expressed so much of what I was feeling and couldn’t name myself. I’ll always be grateful to have found you here! ❤️

  4. As you say, stories are always percolating; we’ve just learned through Two Writing Teachers to savor them each day in March. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed once more sharing cups of freshly brewed stories with you, Sue.

  5. Beautiful. I leave this challenge a better person than I was 31 days ago. I have contemplated trying this before, but never jumped in. I have learned so much, (that I will write about). Thank you for sharing your writing life!

  6. Beautiful sentiments shared in your powerful word choices. Loads of figurative language made this piece playful, yet simultaneously melancholy. Even though you “won’t rush to get them on the page and out the door” your words will show up. Maybe you’ll surprise yourself and keep writing long after the challenge has ended, as a gift to yourself.

  7. What a fabulous slice…yes tomorrow the words will fly but they may not make it to the page…so true. There a little silent echo in my days but I will
    think of you and all the slicers in that silence

  8. I’m holding onto the promise tomorrow there will be words, glorious, life-affirming words; words in books and poems and in myriad places, and these words will connect us to one another as they have this month. I love the way you refer to hurrying words out the door. Sometimes those words just want to hang back for a little while; then we can coral them and show them where to meet again next Tuesday. ‘Preciate you and your words this month. Peace and blessings.

  9. This is very well put. I really enjoyed these lines:
    Tomorrow I’ll have coffee and make dinner, but the stories will still percolate.

    Tomorrow will seem like a busy day in quarantine to most people

    But to some people, a little something extra will be missing.

    I think that captured the mixed emotions of March 31: more time less connection. I’ll see you on Tuesdays – at least some of them.

  10. Yes, a little something extra will be missing. I totally anticipate that. While it’s been such an intense month filled with so many difficult days, I will definitely miss this daily platform. It brought such a structure to the day. Thanks for a lovely post.

  11. So well written, capturing many of my same feelings. Thank you for all the thoughts you provoked and the great topics you sliced about this month. Thank you for the comments and encouragement. Stay safe and healthy!

  12. >But to some people, a little something extra will be missing.<

    A little extra indeed. With everything going on around us, slicing seems that tiny bit of normalcy that helped things make sense. We'll see how we cope without this here. My guess, you'll see a lot more blogs being written with that "slice" attitude all over them.

    I know I will.

    Keep yourself safe and healthy, my friend! The world needs your voice! 🙂

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