The Thank You’s #sol18


The Thank You’s #sol18

May 29, 2018

I like to think of myself as not particularly sentimental.  I don’t have many keepsakes from childhood or special moments.  I pretend I’m ok with goodbyes and transitions.  But I have one little thing that gives it all away.

Few people know that I have a file for each year of my education career.  In this file is the usual professional development certificates,  the occasional evaluation.  The heart of these files are the notes.  I know most people keep notes from students,  notes from parents,  their evaluators,  even colleagues,  but I keep every random thank you.

What???  Yep,  on the rail above my desk is a clip with every single thank you I’ve received in writing this year.  Most are quickly scribbled thank you’s with a smiley face.  Some say a little more like Thank you for the fun activity.   Many that came were quickly stuck on the cover of a borrowed book.  Sometimes I can remember exactly what elicited the thank you,  sometimes I can’t.  But each one of them reminds me why I am actually here in this place at this time with the people.

I’m here to help.  I’m here to take whatever knowledge, time, and experience I have to make the learning, working and striving experience of those folks around me more successful, easier, and less isolated.

These little post its and longer notes remind me to keep going.  Keep going when change creeps up.  Keep going when students or teachers leave when it doesn’t feel finished.  Just keep going.

So today I memorialize those thank you’s and everything they mean.  You’re welcome.  I was thrilled,  happy, and  honored to do whatever it was that caused you to write them.  I look forward to doing so much more.


A big thank you to my Slice of Life community and Two Writing Teachers for filling my heart with gratitude about the depth and breath of a thriving PLN.  Read some amazing slices here at

9 thoughts on “The Thank You’s #sol18

  1. I love this! Maybe words of affirmation are your love language? I also appreciate getting a note more than most things (maybe why I love blog comments so much!). When I taught high school, we had a wonderful tradition of taking the kids on overnight retreats and everyone created a “mailbox” to receive notes and letters, which were then read on the long bus ride home. I moved to teaching college in 2008, but I still have every note I ever received from those kids! And I’m pretty sure they all still have the one I wrote to them as well!

  2. The written thank you doesn’t show up often enough in daily living. What a great way to bring back some memories from the year. Thank you, simple words with so much meaning.

  3. I love this. I have a few random post-its stuck around, but I like giving them a place. These little tokens do end up being the thing that reminds us, when things get tough, why we are here. Thank you for sharing!

  4. I can only imagine the smile on your face when you sit back and admire all post-its. I think it is so fun, and important, to save these handwritten jots because yes, it is a reminder to keep going as you point out, but also, these little notes connect us humans who give and get help, who work together, who inspire – which, clearly you do! Thanks for sharing!

  5. This is such a feel good post! It’s also a reminder to be offering advice, a listening ear, random items, whatever…to whomever asks or needs it on a regular basis! Those notes don’t magically appear – you are leading that sticky thank you note movement!

    Your words, “Keep going when change creeps up” are going to be vital to our school community as we welcome a new principal in July!

  6. I love this idea – so important. I always tell my kids a handwritten note makes all the difference. This proves it!! Thank you for sharing.

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