Messages from the Universe #sol17

IMG_0234 Messages From the Universe

November 28, 2017

Ten days ago, the universe sent me some messages.   I imagine this happens every day, but some days I’m too busy to notice.  Being too busy to notice,  that’s what my message was all about.

As most humans, I have a ‘to do’ list,  a ‘shower’ list, and unfortunately, often a ‘car’ list.  Those lists are sometimes compounded by lots of chats I have during the day with both the adults I work with and the students.

My personal goal for this year is to find connections between those lists, those chats, and observing the universe from my book collection.  But first let me share the messages…

Now in truth,  that Wake Up message on my calendar was to wake up our son for an appointment he had in the city that morning, but knowing that didn’t stop me from noticing the message.

When I noticed that message,  I had been writing a list of answers to questions for an interview.  One of the teachers, for her grad class, was charged with asking a literacy specialist three simple questions:  What do you consider to be essential practice  for classroom teachers of literacy?  What are the greatest challenges that confront you? What job related success have made you feel most proud?  I hadn’t expected these answers to be difficult for me.  Jeez,  I’ve been a literacy specialist/interventionist for a LONG time.

This list message and the ensuing conversation with my teacher colleague brought me up short.  This is where I realized that much like I coach everyone else,  I should be looking at my “bright spots”,  my incremental successes and not solely on what I was striving to next.

As I write this tonight,  I had a great day watching another coach, a superior coach, do her magic.  I celebrated her.  I celebrated the students we observed.  I celebrated the honesty and learning stance the teachers we met with took.  I wasn’t able to see my own hand in any of it…

So tonight when I am making dinner and tomorrow morning in the shower and on my drive,  instead of making a list of ‘to do’s’, I hope I can list the things I can celebrate.  I am fairly certain it will a list of things to do.  Screen Shot 2017-02-28 at 9.10.00 PM


Thank you to Two Writing Teachers and the amazing community of Slice of Life.  Read more slices here.


2 thoughts on “Messages from the Universe #sol17

  1. Did you read my slice on busy today … it will wait!!! Your hand is all over the wonderful practices happening — trust me. And thank you for teaching and coaching me. It is important to remember to celebrate, have high expectations, laugh and always craft a close-in ending!!! Right back at you!!!

  2. I had a friend of our son, who is in college in classes about teaching, sit down and ask me questions about teaching, and like you, I was taken aback by what I have forgotten to think about. I thought it would be easy to answer his questions. Turns out, not so much.

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