Requiem to A Bright Bright Light #sol17

home_bg1.gifRequiem to The Most Hopeful Spirit I’ve Ever Met

March 14, 2017

“People are just dying everywhere, all the time, every which way,” she wrote. “What can the rest of us do but hold on for dear life.”

Amy Krouse Rosenthal


A 1-2-3 Project for MissAmyKR





I thank you for that random day in the earlier 2000’s that I met you in Chicago and you shine that effervescent smile and encouraged me to press on,  to write, and to be an optimist.  

I thank you for The WONDER book, and the Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life, and Duck Rabbit.

I thank you for everything and everyone that you left behind better for reading, knowing, and admiring you.  



A huge Thank You to Two Writing Teachers for your vision, your encouragement, and 30 days of writing.



10 thoughts on “Requiem to A Bright Bright Light #sol17

  1. I am still stunned and deeply saddened that she’s gone. I am incredibly grateful that a part of her will live on in her books and ideas and hopes. This has shaken so many people to the core. Thank you for posting this today. -Paula

  2. I wanted to leave a copy of a page from Wonder, but i don’t seem to be able. It was the one with Miss Mary Fred Fred Fred… seemed like a good one for the day.

  3. Pingback: Slice of Life: A Digital Bin That Will Give You More… #SOL17 #IMWAYR | Assessment in Perspective

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